The Chaotic Campervaners, on How to Keep Kids Occupied Whilst Camping
This is the second part of our collaboration blog with our friends, The Chaotic Campervaners. This post shares their suggestions on how to keep your kids amused whilst camping. Keeping Kids Amused Whilst Camping We; The Chaotic Campervaners; love camping and campervanning! But the first time that we felt brave enough to take our son camping was when he was 2 years old. The reason that we were so reluctant to take our son camping was that he is (and always has been) a very active child, who is always on the go and is full of energy! In fact, on this first camping trip, the woman in the next tent told us at the end of our holiday that she had thought that we had twin boys because she didn't think that it could be the same child running around the whole time! So you'll understand that the thought of keeping him amused and entertained whilst in a structure that has no sound proofing when there are other people in such close proximity did not inspire a feeling ...